Saturday, March 17, 2012


     So today I spent the day with my Grandma Woodbury while my Aunt and Uncle and their family spent the day together at the airshow. It was lunch time and I was going to make us some yummy sandwiches. My Aunt always has the best stuff to put on sandwiches. It reminded me of when I was little and my Grandma would make me a yummy sandwich on her cute flowery plates with the green edge (Now my mom has those dishes). She would usually give me some ice cream afterwards to make it a meal. Actually, whenever we went to her house we would end our visit with ice cream. We would ask Grandma for ice cream just as our parents were ready to head home. It was our way to stay longer because we knew Grandma would make sure we got ice cream. :) She is so cute and I enjoy the time I get to spend with her now that I am older. 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Pine Valley

This week is spring break! :) It has been wonderful so far. On Friday I went over to my sister's house and made a skirt. It was fun to spend time with her at her house. That night I went to a dance with Blaire, Curtis and Annie. It was fun :) On Saturday I finished my skirt and started cutting out squares for my T-shirt quilt that I have been wanting to make forever. Then I went to see Fiddler on the Roof at the college. After that I went to a bonfire with Blaire and Curtis. Sunday was a beautiful day. I went to listen to Blaire give a talk and then went to my own ward. It is always nice to have Sundays to relax. Then I went over to Chase's house to spend time with his family. I love them all so very much. :) On Monday, Blaire, Susanna and Curtis and I spent the day in Pine Valley at our family cabin. We built a fire and cooked hot dogs. They were delicious. Then we decided to go to the reservoir. We had a wonderful time, especially walking through the swamp ish area :) Here are some pictures of our lovely adventure!

 Blaire and I
 Susanna and I
 Curtis and Blaire
 Us girls :)
 Curtis waiting for Blaire to walk through the pipe thing :) 
 Susanna and Curtis
 Love this girl!
 Love both of these girls!
 K, I know this is kinda gross but it was hilarious in the moment  ... :) 

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Yesterday I was taking a kid from the ward home from FHE. He lives in Bloomington.  Life was just great until out of nowhere a skunk decided to run across the road. I almost hit him! Basically, it was the scariest thing ever. Even though skunks are smelly, I would have felt terrible if I would have ran it over. And now I am terrified of skunks running out in front of me on the road. Also, I think I scared the kid to death and he will probably never ask for a ride home ever again haha. Poor kid. I think I apologized a million times. 

I am glad I didn't run him(the skunk) over. Now he can go stink up the neighborhoods :)